Law School Bulding (Barcelona)

Law School Bulding (Barcelona)

Law School Bulding (Barcelona) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF INSTALLATIONS Fire detection system. Interaction with ventilation and compartmentation system Centralized control...
Parc Científic

Parc Científic

Parc Científic TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF INSTALLATIONSAccess controlAutomatic close fire doors system.Programming and parameterization of the access control software to the control center of the North Campus of the University.CCTV system with Innomedia and ECV...
UPC Building

UPC Building

UPC Building TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF INSTALLATIONSAccess Control with DORLET materialCPU’s AS 2-50CPU’s SB 2-50Magnetic stripe readers type SATIN or model 50Automatic close fire doors system.Programming and parameterization of the access control software...
Colegio Montmeló

Colegio Montmeló

Colegio Montmeló DESCRIPCIÓN TÉCNICA DE INSTALACIONESProtección conta incendios: detección, bocas de incendio y extintoresProtección patrimonial: sistema de seguridadMegafonía, voz y datos, telefonía.Protección contra el...